CAT Squared is the first manufacturing execution system (MES) provider in the food industry to become an onboarding partner for IBM Food TrustTM, a blockchain-enabled global network of food chain participants that securely connects supply chain data across the ecosystem with trust and transparency.
Recent posts by Kathy Barbeire
2 min read
CAT Squared becomes IBM Food Trust blockchain onboarding partner
By Kathy Barbeire on Nov 4, 2019 12:28:54 PM
Topics: meat blockchain blockchain Traceability technology supply chain supply chain software manufacturing execution system ctb food supplychain solutions food value chain industrial internet of things
2 min read
CAT Squared Software Suite 2.5 Now Available
By Kathy Barbeire on May 14, 2019 5:27:25 PM
CAT2 Software Suite 2.5 is now available to all CAT Squared customers using our .Net applications (Executive Dashboards, DSD, LIMS). The Software Suite aggregates a number of CAT Squared applications into a single multi-function user interface. The application modules that are included in the first release of the Software Suite include the following:
Topics: cat squared news
1 min read
A Part of Blockchain History
By Kathy Barbeire on Apr 17, 2019 3:43:35 PM
Standing behind Governor Hutchinson from left Jeannie Stroth (IBM), Marla Johnson (BCRS), Senator Joyce Elliott (sponsor), Evan Thompson, Ken Hubbell (BCRS), Samantha Lindstrom, Kathy Barbeire (CAT Squared), Richard Bearden, and Jennifer Peper (Aristotle Interactive).
Topics: blockchain blockchain for arkansas initiative
1 min read
Blockchain Conference Yields Benefits beyond Traceability
By Kathy Barbeire on Apr 17, 2019 2:49:47 PM
On March 29, members of the CAT Squared team attended the 2019 Blockchain Conference hosted by the Center for Blockchain Excellence at the University of Arkansas Sam M. Walton College of Business. The conference included several keynote speakers including Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson and FDA Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response Frank Yiannas. There were also breakout sessions with panels of blockchain innovators and opportunities for developers to break out their laptops and practice interacting with blockchain development platforms. However, of all the sessions we attended, the one I found most exciting was a discussion led by Golden State Foods (GSF) Chief Technology Officer Guilda Javaheri.
Topics: blockchain Traceability technology supply chain food traceability food manufacturing automation food manufacturing AI
1 min read
CAT Squared to Develop Blockchain App Connecting the Food Value Chain
By Kathy Barbeire on Apr 9, 2019 6:25:08 PM
For nearly 25 years, CAT Squared has developed manufacturing execution systems (MES) to manage plant-floor processes for food processing facilities. CAT Squared’s MES delivers end-to-end traceability from receiving of ingredients and dry goods through shipping of final product. By combining our MES with blockchain and other IIoT technologies, CAT Squared can now expand the reach of our capabilities outside the four walls of the plant, connecting all participants of the food value chain.
Topics: blockchain Traceability technology supply chain food traceability supply chain software food manufacturing AI industrial internet of things
4 min read
What does Walmart’s blockchain mandate mean for you?
By Kathy Barbeire on Nov 16, 2018 2:06:18 PM
On September 24, Walmart released a letter to their leafy greens suppliers requiring end-to-end traceability back to farm by September 30, 2019. This mandate is in response to multiple high-profile recalls and outbreaks associated with these types of products. To help their suppliers meet Walmart’s traceability goal, the letter refers suppliers to the IBM Food Trust network, a blockchain solution pioneered through a partnership between Walmart and IBM to improve food safety.
Topics: walmart blockchain meat blockchain blockchain Traceability technology supply chain food traceability
1 min read
Version 10 Now Available
By Kathy Barbeire on Oct 4, 2018 3:16:47 PM
New Functionality Available in FSQM
Dynamic Data Keys - Users now can create and modify their own dynamic data keys. We only advise users with some SQL knowledge should use this as these data keys can have major impacts on system functionality.
Process-Change Logging - FSQM now offers Process Change Logging. With this functionality, users can monitor changes on various parameters, personnel, and departments against a product code. This will allow users to document how specific changes affect processes.
CUSUM - Per the US Government Publishing Office 2016 CFR, title 9 vol. 2, part 381, cumulative sum (CUSUM) is defined as a statistical concept used to determine compliance with finished product standards (pg 455). CAT Squared developed a software solution for calculating CUSUM scores, CUSUM status (InAction or InControl), and scheduling audits. This SOP goes over how the initial setup for CUSUM with the CUSUM Wizard.
Topics: food quality system mes software manufacturing software upgrade process food safety software
3 min read
CAT Squared Joins CTB Family
By Kathy Barbeire on Sep 17, 2018 4:34:41 PM
Topics: manufacturing technology mom software supply chain software food manufacturing software manufacturing execution system ctb food supplychain solutions
3 min read
CAT Squared Supports Arkansas Food Blockchain Initiative
By Kathy Barbeire on Jul 2, 2018 10:31:21 AM
On June 27, 2018, CAT Squared along with dozens of business, government, agriculture, and education leaders from across Arkansas met with Governor Asa Hutchinson and IBM to explore the evolving use of blockchain technology to track the distribution of food from farm to fork. This workshop was a part of the Governor’s new initiative: Blockchain for Arkansas, or BC4AR, an initiative to coordinate and align safety and distribution efforts among key industry leaders.
Topics: traceability blockchain Traceability technology food traceability blockchain for arkansas initiative
5 min read
Overcoming Employee Resistance to Innovation
By Kathy Barbeire on Apr 2, 2018 12:31:50 PM
About two years ago, our training team arrived at a plant to teach plant-floor operators how to use our newly installed MES system to track and manage production data. On the first day of training, an older employee was handed a touchscreen tablet he would now use to perform quality checks. His hand was trembling as he first touched the screen. Our sales representative asked what was wrong, and the gentleman responded that he had only touched a computer once in his life.