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3 min read

Maximizing Efficiency with Manufacturing Software

By Damian Clegg on Feb 20, 2025 6:33:40 PM

Leveraging real-time data analytics has become a cornerstone for optimizing operations and maximizing yield for meat and poultry processors. Manufacturing software solutions are at the forefront of this transformation, enabling processors to gain immediate insights into their operations. By integrating real-time data analytics, companies can monitor every aspect of their processing lines, from live bird receiving to final packaging.

Topics: food quality software food manufacturing automation continuous improvement software manufacturing execution system manufacturing operations management software improving manufacturing performance
2 min read

Supporting Manufacturing Automation Goals by Aligning MOM Technology

By Kathy Barbeire on Jan 25, 2021 5:17:43 PM

The 2020 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies among manufacturers. In the wake of lockdowns and social distancing measures, manufacturers are vulnerable to their dependence on manual labor, and this vulnerability is driving them to look at automation. The Manufacturing Operations Management Institute (MOMi) has released the MOM Solution Guide 2020 as a resource for manufacturers looking for technology vendors with solutions aligned to their industry. The 475-page Guide tracks trends in the MES/MOM industry (Manufacturing Execution Systems / Manufacturing Operations Management). This year, the report included feedback from MES suppliers from around the world who submitted data on 43 MES products, their services, technologies, quality, and industry focus.

Topics: plant floor optimization manufacturing software process alignment mom software mes software continuous improvement software manufacturing execution system manufacturing operations management software improving manufacturing performance
2 min read

CAT Squared becomes IBM Food Trust blockchain onboarding partner

By Kathy Barbeire on Nov 4, 2019 12:28:54 PM

CAT Squared is the first manufacturing execution system (MES) provider in the food industry to become an onboarding partner for IBM Food TrustTM, a blockchain-enabled global network of food chain participants that securely connects supply chain data across the ecosystem with trust and transparency.

Topics: meat blockchain blockchain Traceability technology supply chain supply chain software manufacturing execution system ctb food supplychain solutions food value chain industrial internet of things
3 min read

CAT Squared Joins CTB Family

By Kathy Barbeire on Sep 17, 2018 4:34:41 PM

CAT Squared is excited to announce that we are joining the CTB, Inc. family of brands. CTB is a trusted global designer, manufacturer, and marketer of agricultural systems and solutions. CAT Squared is CTB’s first acquisition of a software provider. This purchase adds value to the CTB family by capitalizing on the synergy between CAT Squared's manufacturing execution software for the food industry and CTB’s hardware and equipment brands such as Cabinplant and Meyn.
Topics: manufacturing technology mom software supply chain software food manufacturing software manufacturing execution system ctb food supplychain solutions
3 min read

Get the Most out of Your ERP

By Kathy Barbeire on Aug 9, 2017 3:28:50 PM

In last month's feature, we discussed various categories of data-management software systems used in manufacturing. This month, we’ll continue this conversation by more deeply defining the difference between ERP systems and MOM / MES systems and discussing how ERP integration with MES systems empowers manufacturers with real-time business intelligence to make better decisions.

Topics: manufacturing automation manufacturing software process alignment process mapping manufacturing technology erp integration plant-floor software mes software food manufacturing automation real-time data continuous improvement software manufacturing execution system
1 min read

How Do You Know If You Can Trust Your Data?

By Kathy Barbeire on Jun 22, 2017 1:47:45 PM

There's serious money at stake if weights and measures are off, even by a little. During a previous implementation, we found that one of our customers was averaging four ounces of giveaway per case of product. On one of their top-selling items, they were giving away $2 per box and were producing thousands of overweight cases each day. This discovery was possible through a combination of our FSQM software and properly calibrated weighing systems that run off our scale interface software. But how can you trust that this data is accurate?

Topics: real-time data food manufacturing software manufacturing execution system ntep certified system weigh and label system
1 min read

Turkey Demand Project to Boost Consumption

By admin on Mar 3, 2017 10:34:56 AM

One of the hot topics at February's annual meeting of the National Turkey Federation (NTF) was the Turkey Demand Project. In 2015, U.S. consumption of turkey was 16.0 pounds per person. NTF’s goal is to increase per-person turkey consumption to 20 pounds by 2020.

Topics: continuous improvement software manufacturing execution system manufacturing operations management software consumer demand National Turkey Federation News
2 min read

CAT Squared Identified as Unique MES Fit for Food Industry by MESA

By Kathy Barbeire on Oct 20, 2015 11:02:41 AM

In October 2015, Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association (MESA) International released their annual MES Product Survey. This is the 16th year MESA has published this report tracking trends in manufacturing execution systems (MES). This year, the report included feedback from MES suppliers from around the world who submitted data on 71 MES products, their services, technologies, quality, and industry focus. Of the 67 participating vendors, CAT Squared was the only solutions provider whose sole focus was serving the food industry.

Topics: mom software mes software food manufacturing automation food manufacturing software manufacturing execution system manufacturing operations management software