Leveraging real-time data analytics has become a cornerstone for optimizing operations and maximizing yield for meat and poultry processors. Manufacturing software solutions are at the forefront of this transformation, enabling processors to gain immediate insights into their operations. By integrating real-time data analytics, companies can monitor every aspect of their processing lines, from live bird receiving to final packaging.
3 min read
Maximizing Efficiency with Manufacturing Software
By Damian Clegg on Feb 20, 2025 6:33:40 PM
Topics: food quality software food manufacturing automation continuous improvement software manufacturing execution system manufacturing operations management software improving manufacturing performance
1 min read
IPPE TECHTalk Examines a Business’s Readiness for Smart Automation
By Kathy Barbeire on Jan 8, 2023 8:59:10 PM
Join CAT Squared's Jack Teague for his IPPE TECHTalk presentation Assessing a Business's Readiness for Smart Automation and Winning Stakeholder Support. The presentation will feature three main objectives:
Topics: continuous improvement food manufacturing automation food manufacturing AI gaining support for technology projects industrial internet of things digitized plant floor industry 4.0
6 min read
How Technology and Consumers are Transforming the Food Value Chain
By Kathy Barbeire on Feb 11, 2020 5:15:39 PM
At Purdue University's National Conference for Food and Agribusiness, speakers presented results of the University’s research study analyzing what data is collected across the food value chain, how it’s shared, and to what extent it is used to make strategic decisions. The study focused on five levels of the value chain: (1) Ag Input Manufacturers, (2) Ag Retailers, (3) Farmers, (4) First Handlers/Food Processors, (5) Food Manufacturers, and (6) Food Retailers. The event included panel discussions with representatives from each part of the value chain discussing trends they’re experiencing.
Topics: Traceability technology supply chain food traceability technology adoption manufacturing technology food manufacturing automation regulatory compliance food value chain consumer demand
1 min read
Blockchain Conference Yields Benefits beyond Traceability
By Kathy Barbeire on Apr 17, 2019 2:49:47 PM
On March 29, members of the CAT Squared team attended the 2019 Blockchain Conference hosted by the Center for Blockchain Excellence at the University of Arkansas Sam M. Walton College of Business. The conference included several keynote speakers including Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson and FDA Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response Frank Yiannas. There were also breakout sessions with panels of blockchain innovators and opportunities for developers to break out their laptops and practice interacting with blockchain development platforms. However, of all the sessions we attended, the one I found most exciting was a discussion led by Golden State Foods (GSF) Chief Technology Officer Guilda Javaheri.
Topics: blockchain Traceability technology supply chain food traceability food manufacturing automation food manufacturing AI
3 min read
Get the Most out of Your ERP
By Kathy Barbeire on Aug 9, 2017 3:28:50 PM
In last month's feature, we discussed various categories of data-management software systems used in manufacturing. This month, we’ll continue this conversation by more deeply defining the difference between ERP systems and MOM / MES systems and discussing how ERP integration with MES systems empowers manufacturers with real-time business intelligence to make better decisions.
Topics: manufacturing automation manufacturing software process alignment process mapping manufacturing technology erp integration plant-floor software mes software food manufacturing automation real-time data continuous improvement software manufacturing execution system
4 min read
Partnership Delivers Prescriptive Analytics to Food Manufacturers
By Kathy Barbeire on May 18, 2017 12:51:17 PM
CAT Squared is proud to announce a new partnership with AIMMS, an award-winning vendor of Prescriptive Analytics software, and UniSoma, a leading provider of Advanced Planning solutions. The partnership will enable AIMMS, UniSoma and CAT Squared to provision prescriptive analytics applications for food processing and production companies.
Topics: planning software continuous improvement production planning prescriptive analytics production and inventory reports manufacturing software food manufacturing automation food manufacturing AI production scheduling real-time data food manufacturing software continuous improvement software
2 min read
CAT Squared Identified as Unique MES Fit for Food Industry by MESA
By Kathy Barbeire on Oct 20, 2015 11:02:41 AM
In October 2015, Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association (MESA) International released their annual MES Product Survey. This is the 16th year MESA has published this report tracking trends in manufacturing execution systems (MES). This year, the report included feedback from MES suppliers from around the world who submitted data on 71 MES products, their services, technologies, quality, and industry focus. Of the 67 participating vendors, CAT Squared was the only solutions provider whose sole focus was serving the food industry.
Topics: mom software mes software food manufacturing automation food manufacturing software manufacturing execution system manufacturing operations management software
2 min read
Avoid Recalls Due to Mislabeled Allergens
By Kathy Barbeire on Mar 31, 2015 12:33:07 PM
For the fifth straight year, undeclared allergens were the leading cause of USDA recalls. Starting April 12, 2015, the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) began ongoing, monthly testing and verification to determine whether facilities are accurately controlling and labeling the "Big 8" food allergens: wheat, shellfish, eggs, fish, peanuts, milk, tree nuts, and soybeans.