On March 20, Cargill Thailand hosted CMT / CAT Squared Modernization Day, a technology event promoting to their employees the work Cargill Meats Thailand is doing with CAT Squared and SAP. CAT Squared specializes in developing MES (manufacturing executions systems) that manages a company’s plant floor and interfaces production data into ERP systems like SAP ERP.
Recent posts by Kathy Barbeire
1 min read
Cargill Meats Thailand Promotes New Technology Adoption
By Kathy Barbeire on Mar 23, 2018 1:03:19 PM
Topics: technology adoption food manufacturing software continuous improvement software
1 min read
CAT Squared Keeps Mar-Jac Poultry Compliant with State Regulations
By Kathy Barbeire on Dec 19, 2017 2:46:35 PM
For industrial-scale food producers, staying compliant with a patchwork of state, federal, and international regulations is challenging. The State of Alabama requires commercial manufacturing operations like Mar-Jac to maintain National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) certification on their weighing and measuring instruments. Not only do the scales and other hardware devices themselves need to be certified, but the software reading data from these devices must also conform to the standards of the National Conference on Weights and Measures, ensuring the manufacturer’s data is accurate.
Topics: Labeling manufacturing technology plant-floor software food manufacturing software labeling system regulatory compliance ntep certified system
2 min read
Video Explains CAT Squared MES Benefits
By Kathy Barbeire on Dec 15, 2017 10:59:37 AM
Topics: plant floor optimization erp integration mom software plant-floor software supply chain software manufacturing software food manufacturing software continuous improvement software
1 min read
Customer Feedback from Latest MES Software Release
By Kathy Barbeire on Aug 10, 2017 11:25:39 AM
CAT Squared is working hard to bring our customers the best manufacturing operations management software available in the industry. We are committed to releasing new functionality to our customers three times each year. As a reminder to our customers, new releases are available in January, May, and September.
Topics: mobile-app warehouse management system manufacturing technology plant-floor software supply chain software manufacturing software upgrade process
3 min read
Get the Most out of Your ERP
By Kathy Barbeire on Aug 9, 2017 3:28:50 PM
In last month's feature, we discussed various categories of data-management software systems used in manufacturing. This month, we’ll continue this conversation by more deeply defining the difference between ERP systems and MOM / MES systems and discussing how ERP integration with MES systems empowers manufacturers with real-time business intelligence to make better decisions.
Topics: manufacturing automation manufacturing software process alignment process mapping manufacturing technology erp integration plant-floor software mes software food manufacturing automation real-time data continuous improvement software manufacturing execution system
3 min read
Improving Quality Control with Real-Time SPC
By Kathy Barbeire on Aug 7, 2017 11:26:39 AM
In July, CAT Squared released an update to their SPC software that empowers plant-floor operators with real-time SPC trending data and charts. Production staff can now make adjustments to their plant-floor processes and immediately see how those adjustments impact the quality of the product.
Topics: plant floor optimization continuous improvement statistical process control real-time spc data plant-floor software food manufacturing software executive dashboards
3 min read
ERP? MES? MOM? Which is the Best Food Industry Software?
By Kathy Barbeire on Jul 10, 2017 10:43:51 AM
Information technology has changed the face of traditional manufacturing. Every day, there seems to be a new buzzword defining another software category to help you manage your company’s data. But which kind of software system is best for your company? What software system will give you the best ROI? Do you need an ERP or an MES? Can an ERP function as an MES? What’s the difference? And while we’re asking these questions, can someone please define some of these acronyms?
Topics: manufacturing wms software warehouse management system erp integration mom software plant-floor software mes software
1 min read
How Do You Know If You Can Trust Your Data?
By Kathy Barbeire on Jun 22, 2017 1:47:45 PM
There's serious money at stake if weights and measures are off, even by a little. During a previous implementation, we found that one of our customers was averaging four ounces of giveaway per case of product. On one of their top-selling items, they were giving away $2 per box and were producing thousands of overweight cases each day. This discovery was possible through a combination of our FSQM software and properly calibrated weighing systems that run off our scale interface software. But how can you trust that this data is accurate?
Topics: real-time data food manufacturing software manufacturing execution system ntep certified system weigh and label system
3 min read
Process Mapping Resolves Internal Conflict around Technology Adoption
By Kathy Barbeire on Jun 12, 2017 10:43:15 AM
It's common within family-owned businesses to see intergenerational conflict regarding when and how to adopt new technology. Often, I hear, "The CEO's son is interested in our system, but he’s got to wait for Dad to retire to make a move." This comment tells me that there are many company executives who are (understandably) intimidated by new technology and want to continue operating for as long as they can within their comfort zones. After all, they built the company and know it better than anyone else… Why change?
Topics: process mapping technology adoption manufacturing technology
4 min read
Partnership Delivers Prescriptive Analytics to Food Manufacturers
By Kathy Barbeire on May 18, 2017 12:51:17 PM
CAT Squared is proud to announce a new partnership with AIMMS, an award-winning vendor of Prescriptive Analytics software, and UniSoma, a leading provider of Advanced Planning solutions. The partnership will enable AIMMS, UniSoma and CAT Squared to provision prescriptive analytics applications for food processing and production companies.